Homemade Play-dough with Essential Oil

Homemade play-dough was one of  many of my favorite things that my mom did for us growing up. She always did special things like that and smelling the play-dough as I cooked it, brought back such happy memories. The only difference to this batch I made, was that I added lavender to the mixture.

Every time I pull the play-dough bin out, I can smell the lavender. I wouldn’t say the essential oil is for the child, but for the momma! I have to race to open the bag of play-dough before Winston does, so I can smell and inhale that beautiful lavender smell hehe!

I think Lavender is one of my favorite essential oil aromas. But you could add any particular aroma you are fond of. Like orange. Grapefruit would be amazing! Just be sure it doesn’t tempt your babe to eat the play-dough. Luckily this little guy hasn’t seemed too interested in putting it in his mouth :)

Add 1 cup of flour into a saucepan

with 2 teaspoons Cream of Tarter.

1/3 cup of salt. Some recipes call for more salt, some even less, but I found 1/3 cup was just right.

1 cup of water.

1 tablespoon vegetable oil. I forgot to catch a picture of the vegetable oil! So don’t forget this important step!

I added between 10 and 20 drops of Lavender. You can adjust to your preference.

After a few weeks, the smell is still nice and strong.

I tried to achieve an Army green for Winston. This seems to be his favorite color right now. I used Wilton food coloring. Before adding the food coloring I separated three portions of the dough so I could do three different colors.

I store my play-dough successfully for several weeks in zip-lock bags.

I made his play-dough while he was napping. It was nice for him to wake up to brand new play-dough.



Having a look at his firetruck red and his sky blue play-dough.

Ready for a nap again hehehe.

Homemade Play-dough with Essential Oil

  • 1 Cup of Flour
  • 2 Teaspoons Cream of Tarter
  • 1/3 cup of Salt
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
  • Between 10 and 20 drops essential oil
  • Food Coloring

With a saucepan over low heat, add flour, cream of tarter and salt. Stir in the water. Make sure mix is well blended and begin adding the essential oil to your preference. (You can now separate the mixture if you are wanting to do more than one color for this recipe. Keep the non-died mixture off heat until you are ready) Add food coloring, keep stirring mixture until it clings into a ball. Remove pan from heat and scrape out all dough.  Place warm dough on foil or wax paper to cool. Make sure the colored dough is out of the pan before adding a new color so you don’t tamper with the effects of your coloring. It is easier to just do one color, but I had fun mixing the colors up for Winston. You could also do a recipe for each color.  Once dough has cooled it is now ready to be played with! Don’t forget to smell it!



  1. Marie August 3, 2013 at 2:02 am - Reply

    Oh, Winston is so so cute Elizabeth! I miss his little face so much. He is certainly getting me jealous over that army green play dough! Gorgeous colors by the way! Zane and Ezra miss him and you so much!

    Mom says she loves this post and wants to leave a comment as soon as she can get a moment!

    ~ Marie

  2. Roxy August 3, 2013 at 8:49 pm - Reply

    Hello, I think Winston has a wonderful Momma!
    I also just love lavender oil, and I think the Young Living brand is the very best quality. I think I use the lavender and wintergreen oil almost everyday.
    The wintergreen stops any ache or pain in your body. It is great for the forehead when Danny has a headache.
    I am so tired tonight, we had company for dinner last night! And I awoke at 4:30 (really)
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Pam August 3, 2013 at 11:47 pm - Reply

    I have loved looking and looking at this post. Winston is so cute… such good pics of him. Your play dough colors are great… and love the step by step. I think the addition of lavender oil makes me just want to make some play dough for myself… to smell and play with even when the grandkids can’t be here. I agree with what Roxy said about the oils; they are wonderful… and you are a wonderful Mama.
    Miss you so, so much.

    Love you ,

  4. Amy August 6, 2013 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    Yep, I have to agree with everyone above. You are a great Mama!! Winston is the lucky one…

    I love the colors too, of course my boys want the Army Green, so I will have to whip up a batch of that when I get home from my mini vacation with Barry. We leave in 2 days!! Yay for me!!
    (And Barry)

    I use Lavender every day too, its great on those bug bites!!

    I miss you so much Elizabeth!!

    Love Ya,

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