No-Knead Whole Wheat Artisan Bread

No-knead artisan bread is the best! It is so satisfying and easy! I love that I don’t have to get my hands too dirty or my counter-tops!

This is our almost-every-other-day-bread that I make for my family. Marie my sister, gave me her recipe and showed me how. Before then, I was always a bit nervous using yeast. Growing up, I let her be the one that made breads with my mom ;) Luckily, I have her help now!

I do notice that my bread never quite turns out like hers, but it is still yummy. It may be our ovens? For all you bread-making-buffs, if you have any tips or suggestions, you can share!

Mix yeast, salt, warm water together until yeast granules are dissolved.  Set bowl aside and allow the yeast, mixture to activate until it is bubbly or foamy. Usually between 5-15 minutes.

Add three cups whole-wheat flower to yeast mixture.

Stir until dough has come together.

Place a towel over the bowl and set the dough to rise for 1 hour or until dough has doubled in size.

With slightly floured hands and floured baking pan, remove dough and place onto a cookie sheet.

I like to form my bread into a french-bread-type-loaf, but you can easily make your loaf round.

Allow bread to rise again for 30 minutes or so, depending on how fast it rises.

Once loaf has risen, take a sharp knife and make slight slices down the loaf.

My bread is no where near as gorgeous as my sisters, but it is mighty tasty!

Slice, spread butter and serve with tea ;)

Growing up, I have happy memories of eating warm bread on a September day. I want to recreate those happy memories for my family now. If you are a little bit nervous making bread or using yeast, just go for it, at least in this recipe, you don’t have to get your hands too dirty ;)

Whole Wheat Artisan bread

3/4 Tablespoons Yeast

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1 1/2 Cups Warm Water

3 Cups of Whole Wheat Flour, or Regular White Flour.

I bake my bread at 350 F. But that is because my oven is a little too hot, the original recipe says 375 F. So keep an eye and your bread and make sure your oven is not like mine so it doesn’t cook too fast. Once my loaf is nice and golden do I consider it done. If I am a little unsure if it is fully done in the middle, I turn over the bread and allow the bottom to cook for a few minutes.

I do try to allow my bread to fully cool, but that can be a bit difficult when I am wanting to eat warm bread :)


  1. Pam September 5, 2013 at 2:14 pm - Reply

    This looks so, so good: My stomach is growling. It looks like a wonderfully simple and easy recipe; I can’t wait to try it. I wish I could come over and have a slice of it with you and Winston.
    Love you so much,

  2. Roxy September 7, 2013 at 10:51 am - Reply

    Hello, My Dearest Ann!
    Last Fall I found a very easy Bread recipe myself. Amy and I made it often last Fall.
    I have just started being hungry for the hearty breads and rib sticking foods myself.
    I hope you try those walnuts soon I posted as I know your gonna love them!
    I hope you have a wonderful week-end!
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Amy September 9, 2013 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    Oh, you silly girl! I think your bread looks beautiful. I am just now starting to get a hang of the yeast bread making thing and my thought is… Just keep on trying, it will turn out better one loaf at a time! :)

    Miss you dear friend!


  4. Amanda September 13, 2013 at 1:33 pm - Reply

    What’s your ballpark estimate for about how long it should be in the oven for?

    • E. Ann September 13, 2013 at 7:54 pm - Reply

      Hi Amanda! My bread will bake for 30 to 45 ish minutes. I will pull it out and check in the middle upside down of the loaf, to see if it is fully cooked. If it looks very done on the top, but still not quite finished cooking in the middle, I will put it back into the oven upside down for a few more minutes to cook the bottom middle of the bread :)

  5. Mama Lion December 30, 2013 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    It looks beautiful! All the whole wheat recipes I’ve seen (or tried) that are really successful use whats called Vital Wheat Gluten. The husks from the wheat, which are pulverized but not removed in whole wheat flour, slice up the gluten and prevent it from forming the way it should during the rising process. Adding vital wheat gluten (you can usually get it from Bobs Red Mill in Whole Foods or another health food store) improves a dough’s ability to rise and increases the bread’s structural stability and chewiness. Give it a shot!

    • E. Ann January 10, 2014 at 4:27 pm - Reply

      Mama Lion, Thank you for your very kind and helpful comment! I will for sure look into that! We have recently gotten off of all white flour so I am looking at alternative flours to begin using and learning. I look forward to looking at your site! Thank you again for your comment and help :) Many blessings!

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