Nail Wraps the Jamberry Way and some giveaways!

I discovered something new last year.

I discovered I love to have beautiful nails and also do the nails of the ladies around me.

It all began with my hubby buying me a gel lamp and gel set to do at home last Christmas. I loved it and was so excited to begin doing up my nails more affordably and getting them to last. I even discovered I enjoy taking pretty pictures with my nails all done up and posted about it here. I have now come to realize, nail fashion has become my passion (lol)  :) To help with this passion with a fashion (hehe I could resist), I will be starting a series next week  titled “Nail Wraps the Jamberry Way”. In each post, I will show my  nail wraps and my latest manicure. I will share the best tips and tricks on how to apply these vinyl heat active wraps. But the part that I am most THRILLED about, is doing giveaways!! So YOU ALL will get a chance to win and wear some of these lovelies too!

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 I so enjoy sharing all things lovely and beautiful in my life and pretty nails happen to be on my list now :)

To find out more about these wraps you can follow the link here…makingtodaybeautiful.jamberrynails

One Comment

  1. Pam January 3, 2015 at 4:30 pm - Reply

    I love my Jamberry Nail Wraps…. thanks for introducing me to them; I have had such fun with them. Love the post; look forward to more.

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