Resting in Him

 Resting in the Father’s love and peace isn’t always easy to set myself out to do each day, but once I seek and find, it is heaven for my weary soul. He is my peace, my comfort, my joy, He is my salvation….and I love to rest in Him…

Being too busy I have found, tends to blur that for me. Once I have let go of hurrying, and set myself to rest…in…Him, joy and peace come.. I am so thankful for Him…


After the hustle and bustle of packing and moving, it is so pleasurable to enjoy every tidbit of life.

We loved living on our property and being in the country, but it is also wonderful to be near anything and everything again.


The cats have had to adjust as well. They are not as pleased living in town as they were living in the country. They have found themselves bored and sleepy.


The black and white cat’s love for adventure, has landed him sick on two separate occasions and I wasn’t sure if he was going to make it. I am relieved that I don’t have to be as concerned for him now.  In spite of his sicknesses, he prefers the excitement of bugs, fish, snakes and lizards I think ;)


Now he has to content himself with window panes and curtains.


Even though he isn’t as happy, I am very happy to have a clean non-hunting-cat again. And the leisure and ease of the cats day is very resting to our souls.


Winston’s favorite store is Pets Mart and buying some rubber mice and catnip have certainly cheered up these two cats and has helped bring back some spunk and fun :)

bay-6Probably one of the hardest parts of moving back into the city was having to give up our fresh goats milk,  but I was thrilled to discover raw milk in one our health food chains from local farmers, for that I am very thankful!!

bay-7School work activities are filling our days again, and to our delight a humungous library is right down the street!


The New Year brought has brought us giving up sugar and wheat. And I have given up coffee for the time being. And we all have felt really good! Thankfully my inspiration of new foods have been inspiriting, so hopefully I will get to post some new recipes soon :)

My excitement for February is stirring as it does every year!

February brings birthdays, an anniversary and of course Valentines Day. But maybe a lot of the excitement is the fact that Winston and I will be getting to go to Colorado and be there for my Mom’s birthday and Valentines Day.

I hope this season of your life bring the Lord’s peace and joy, as you rest in Him all my dear friends…. Thank you for reading!!

Much love to you all!!


  1. Amy Jones January 21, 2014 at 5:35 pm - Reply

    Hello my sweet friend!

    It’s so nice to stop in and see how you are doing. Even though I wish you were a bit closer, but I guess writing on the computer will have to do. :)

    I am so excited that you are coming home for a visit. It will be so nice to see you. It’s been far too long.

    Where exactly did you move too? Country living definitely has its perk, but so does the availability of living in the city. I have those moments too, but am so very thankful I live in the country. I love my space and quietness…

    I’ll be praying your lives get back to normalcy and your cats find more relaxing, but fun things to do in the city life of things.

    I look forward to seeing what kind of new and exciting recipes you have in store this new year. I can’t wait…. I’m ready…. And go!

    Love you friend,

  2. Pam January 21, 2014 at 10:55 pm - Reply

    It is so nice to read your post and picture your new home. Bay and Tonya always cheer me up. Dad and I are here reading your post and admiring those two cats… especially Bay, who never ceases to make life a little more interesting. I like that you are finding some rest; Dad and I can’t wait until you are in Colorado with us.
    What a birthday present that will be.
    Love you so much,

  3. Holly January 30, 2014 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    What a lovely post. I cannot wait to you are down in Colorado. I miss you so much dear sister.

    • E. Ann February 3, 2014 at 6:03 pm - Reply

      I cannot wait to see you Holly! It has been way to long…. :)

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