Busy Workers Part Two ;)

We are out of town right now and I blissfully have access to some internet! We are in beautiful Clear Water Florida for a business conference. The beach is amazingly restful and soothing. It is also wonderful to be able to post this week! I had many more pictures and posts to do, but I forgot my thumb drive which has many of my pictures on it. So here are a few that I did have on my computer ;)

Almost every morning there has been beautiful steam rising off of the lake. The boys like to call it smoke and say its from a fire and they hurry off with their pretend fire hoses to put out the fire.

It has been unusually cold here in Florida for March and April. It is just now warming up again where we don’t have to put on a coat every time we go outside.

This little fellow has always been an early bird and loves to help his momma and aunty do the milking in the morning.

My nephew Ezra shooting at the hawks. We have tons of hawks out here which has been a problem with our chickens. They have already gotten one. The little guys love to yell and shoot at the hawks for us :)

The bounty we have been collecting lately!

I had so much fun taking pictures of these eggs. (1) because they are beautifully brown and not white and (2) because our chickens have been on major strike in their laying duties and have decided to give up the their protest and finally began laying for us :)


  1. Amy April 20, 2013 at 10:41 am - Reply

    Wow, Elizabeth! You have been a busy bee! I love to see you on and posting some pictures. Isn’t living out in the country so relaxing and refreshing from the hustle and bustle of the city? I can’t wait to see some pictures of your new homestead. I sure do miss you guys!
    Take Care!!! (Praying you get internet soon :o))
    Love ya,

  2. Pam April 20, 2013 at 7:09 pm - Reply

    Oh wow Sweetie, I love all of your catch ups. The pictures are so, so beautiful. Winston is so precious. He is beautiful himself. I love how the boys “shoot” at the hawks. Ezra looks so cute. The picture of your water is so good. The steam/fog rising from it is amazing. You ought to frame it for a picture on your wall. The eggs are lovely aren’t they? I feel the same as you do about them a lovely simple egg is a piece of art.

    I can’t wait to talk to you.

    Love you so much,

  3. Abbie April 22, 2013 at 6:39 am - Reply

    Lovely photos once again! What a blessing it must be to live so close together as sisters! :) xx

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